We live in the Pacific Northwest. It's beautiful here! Green and lush and beachy and mountainous! The weather is mild and exploring the great outdoors is important for our family. If you've heard the rumors.. it is indeed WET on the regular around here in the winter. We wear rubber rain boots A LOT.
I wanted something to wear over our wool socks to help keep our tootsies warm inside our rubbers.. and help keep the boots snug on our feet. Nobody likes losing a boot in a mud puddle!
I had a billion 'slipper' tutes tagged on my Pinterist board and figured I could whip up a sock from some 'never going to make anything else with it' fleece bits in my stash. I started with some basic measurements and sorta winged it after that. So here ya go if you need some Boot Booties too!
I started out by tracing our boots.. figuring that would give me a fairly accurate sole measurement and shape and it would include the seam allowance all on it's own.. Bonus! Master Bruce insisted on helping of course. I cut those out noting which (R or L) boot I traced.
I then took the following 3 measurements of his foot and created the corresponding pattern pieces ADDING seam allowance of 1/4".. with the arches created by centering the B measurement and then marking 1/2 the B measurement and eyeballing a curved line. **Edit! There would also be a 'D' measurement.. how tall you want the bootie to be. It would be the height measurement on your A/B square as pictured below.
And here are the pattern pieces! The toe will look huge! Go with it.. it will fit right! Cut 2 each in your chosen fabric. **Remember that if your sole piece has a L or R you must cut 2 opposite pieces. However your soles don't have to have a L or R. Fabrics with some stretch work the best.
Once I cut my pieces I cut 2 pieces of 1/4" elastic measuring 2" shorter than my A measurement. I sewed it, using a zig zag stitch, stretching it to fit side to side about a 1/2" above my arches.
Next sew your calf pieces, right sides together,
along the vertical seam as pictured.
Then match up the center of the straight side of the toe piece
to the seam on the calf piece, right sides together,
matching up the edges to the
corners of both pieces and sew together.
Now match up your sole piece to the bottom of your
toe/calf piece matching center toes and heels.
Turn right side out, mark your L and R if needed and voila!
Boot Booties!